
CPR Saves a Newborn

Saving Lives in Israel

When Avishai Cohen was ready to be born, nothing would stop him. Not long ago he came into this world regardless of the fact that he was only six months into his gestation.

When Avishai started coming fast — really fast — his parents quickly called MAGEN DAVID ADOM’s 101 emergency hotline from their home. The emergency medical technician on the other end of the line dispatched a Mobile Intensive Care Unit ambulance to the scene while simultaneously instructing the couple on how to prepare for the baby’s arrival.

A Doctor at 5 Years Old!

Maya is five and a half years old and lives in Even Yehuda, Israel. She is currently recovering from a serious illness.

During her treatment, Maya met many friendly MAGEN DAVID ADOM team members, doctors, and hospital staff members — and she announced that it was her dream to one day join MAGEN DAVID ADOM as a doctor on the ambulance!