A Child Brought Back to Life

A Child Brought Back to Life

In Jerusalem, an energetic 6-year-old boy, Meir Itzkovitch, was playing with some friends from the neighborhood. He decided to try to climb up the wall of a building.

When Meir’s mother, Chaya, saw what he was doing, she called to him to stop and climb down. As she got closer, she discovered he was unconscious, holding an electric power pole. He was not breathing and had no pulse.

Chaya ran home with her son limp in her arms and dialed for help.

MAGEN DAVID ADOM paramedics arrived within minutes. Immediately they began treating the child, working quickly to resuscitate him and restart his heart.

“If they hadn’t arrived in time, I would have lost Meir,” said Chaya. “Because of their efforts and speedy, professional care, my son came back to me.”

Before long, Meir’s pulse was restored and moments later he regained consciousness. The paramedics loaded him carefully into the ambulance, hooked him up to life support, and raced to the nearby hospital — where Meir arrived in serious but stable condition.

Thanks to the fast response by MAGEN DAVID ADOM and the excellent care of his doctors, Meir was home with his family four days later, without any permanent injuries.

Later that week, the first responders who saved Meir’s life dropped by to visit the six-year-old and his mother, where they were warmly welcomed.

They are angels,” Chaya said, “who managed to perform a great miracle when they saved my precious son’s life!”

“The last time I saw Meir, he was clinically dead,” one of the paramedics said. “In my 20 years in MAGEN DAVID ADOM, I haven’t been this emotional. This incident definitely gave me the strength to continue in this lifesaving mission.

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